Our Services

Restorative Dentistry

teeth implants Oakleigh

High-Quality Dental Implants

Missing teeth can make it difficult to eat and speak and, without restoration, can lead to further dental health problems. Why not consider dental implants in Oakleigh for a more attractive and functional smile.
tooth implants Oakleigh

Why Opt for Dental Implants?

When it comes to dental implants, Oakleigh residents should know that they offer the best permanent solution to missing teeth. At our modern dental clinic, we provide the latest MIS, Straumann and Nobel Biocare clinically proven implant systems. Furthermore, our patient-centred approach and technology-led dentistry ensure you are in safe and capable hands.

A successful implant procedure requires careful planning and positioning to ensure success, so you can rely on our considerable expertise in placing tooth implants. Oakleigh dentists believe in listening to patients and working with them to achieve the healthy and beautiful smiles they’ve always wanted.


Am I suitable for dental implants?

There is no upper age limit for dental implants. At Oakleigh Smiles, we will determine if you’re suitable by assessing the general condition of your mouth and the quality of your jawbone during an implant consultation with us.

How are dental implants placed?
Dental implants are small metal posts placed into the jawbone to support a dental prosthesis, such as a crown, bridge, or denture. The placement of dental implants is a surgical procedure that is performed under a local anaesthetic.
How long does dental implant surgery take?
It generally takes around one hour to place a single dental implant at our Oakleigh South clinic.
Does it hurt?
Local anaesthetic is administered so you feel relaxed during the placement of your tooth implants. At Oakleigh Smiles, we are committed to making patients as comfortable as possible, and we are offering conscious sedation for those anxious about the procedure.
Why does it take as long as six months to complete the procedure?
Once the dental implant is positioned in the jawbone, the area is left to heal. During this time, the implant fuses with the bone in a process called osseointegration. This typically takes 4-6 months and provides a strong base which secures the artificial tooth.
Do implants require special maintenance?
No, dental implants do not require special maintenance. You should brush and floss them just like your natural teeth—and go for regular check-ups as often as your dentist recommends.
How long do teeth implants last for Oakleigh patients?
Dental implants have a high success rate thanks to the extensive planning required. With good care, there is no reason why they cannot last a lifetime, but it is generally accepted that they last 20 years or more.
What are the options if I do not have enough viable jawbone?

The success of dental implant surgery depends on the quantity and quality of the jawbone. However, while bone loss is quite common in the jawbone, it can be augmented with a bonegraft, which may be carried out simultaneously with the surgery for placing the teeth implants. Our Oakleigh team will discuss all the options available to you thoroughly.

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Are you considering dental implants?

If you’re interested in getting a dental implant in Oakleigh, South VIC, get in touch to schedule an appointment. Our team look forward to hearing from you.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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