If you long for a healthier smile and increased confidence, dental implants could be your perfect solution. Constructed from lasting materials, these implants can provide years of support with proper care – even offering the possibility that they’ll last throughout your lifetime!

If you’re interested in discovering how much dental implants cost, this article is for you! Herein, we’ll discuss the costs of dental implants and explain what factors influence those prices.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants are a dental restoration method used to replace missing or damaged teeth and roots. They offer a greater sense of permanence compared to other traditional methods, providing the feeling of having your own natural teeth back. Implants imitate natural teeth in form, function, and appearance, allowing you to enjoy normal speaking and eating without worrying about them slipping out of place or causing discomfort.

Dental implants are usually made from titanium and are inserted directly into the jaw bone for stability; this makes them one of the most reliable tooth replacement options available today. With regular maintenance similar to natural teeth — such as brushing and flossing — it’s possible to enjoy beautiful smiles that can last you a lifetime.


Check bnsperthdentalimplants.com.auParts of dental implants 

Dental implants consist of three primary parts – the implant, the abutment and the crown or bridge. The implant itself is an artificial root surgically placed into the jawbone and functions as an anchor for replacement teeth. The abutment attaches to it, holding the individual replacement teeth, or dental bridges and crowns, in place. On top sits a realistic-looking crown or bridge customised to match the surrounding natural teeth and give a complete look. These three pieces work together to create an effective replacement tooth system, providing stability, strength, function and aesthetic value for patients with missing teeth.


Types of dental implants 


Endosteal implants 

The most common type of implant is the endosteal implant, which is surgically implanted into the jawbone. Endosteal implants are the most popular because they provide a solid foundation for replacement teeth and are more secure than other types of implants. They consist of a metal screw or cylinder that is placed directly into the jawbone, and then a post or abutment is attached to it, which supports the replacement tooth or bridge. 


Subperiosteal implants 

Subperiosteal implants are usually used when patients do not have enough bone structure in their jaw to support endosteal implants. Subperiosteal implants consist of a metal frame that sits on top of the bone and protrudes through the gum line when complete healing has occurred. The posts attached to the frame then serve as anchors for artificial replacement teeth. This type of implant is suitable for patients with weak jaws but who still want to get permanent tooth replacements. 


Zygomatic implants 

Zygomatic implants are longer than regular endosteal implants, allowing them to reach deeper into the jawbone and provide increased stability for larger bridges or dentures that may need more support than shorter endosteal implants can provide. These are typically recommended for those who have suffered substantial bone loss in their upper jaw due to trauma or disease and need additional support for their prosthesis. 


What should you expect during dental implant surgery?


Step 1: Initial consultation 

The first step in any dental implant procedure is an initial consultation with the dentist. During this visit, they will discuss a patient’s medical history and examine their mouth to make sure that they are a good candidate for a dental implant. The dentist will also answer any questions the patient may have about the procedure and address any concerns that they may have. 


Step 2: Preparation of the site 

Once it has been established that the patient is a good candidate for a dental implant, the dentist will prepare the site by numbing the area with a local anaesthetic and then creating a tiny cut in the gum tissue at the site of the missing tooth. They will then insert a small metal post into this incision that serves as an anchor for the implant itself. 


Step 3: Placement of implant 

Once the post is in place, the dentist will attach a titanium screw on top of it to serve as an anchor for the artificial tooth or bridge that will eventually be attached to it. This screw is carefully placed so that it sits flush against the jawbone; if necessary, bone grafting may be performed prior to the placement of this screw in order to achieve optimal results.  


Step 4: Attachment of abutment and restoration  

Once the screw is securely in place and has had time to heal (usually around 6 weeks), the dentist can attach an abutment onto it, which serves as a connection point between the implant and restoration (artificial tooth or bridge). At this point, impressions can be taken of the patient’s mouth so that custom restorations can be crafted specifically for them. Finally, these restorations are attached to the abutment and checked one last time before being permanently secured into place.  


What is the cost of dental implants? 

The cost of implants can differ based on the patient’s individual needs and desired outcomes. On average, a single dental implant can start at $3,000, with additional costs for follow-up services typically included. Of course, it is important to always consult an experienced professional in order to receive a complete and accurate estimate. With advances in technology, however, patients are better able to achieve more realistic goals within their financial means than ever before.



What makes up the dental implant cost?


Experience of the surgeon 

The experience level of your surgeon will play a large role in the overall cost. An experienced surgeon will likely charge more than someone with less experience.


Material costs 

The materials used for your implant procedure also influence its cost. Titanium implants last longer than other materials like porcelain or ceramic, but they can also be more expensive initially. Additionally, if you decide to get porcelain crowns placed over your implants, this will add additional costs as well. Your dentist should provide you with a detailed breakdown of all materials used during your procedure so you know exactly what you’re paying for. 


Additional procedures 

In some instances, additional treatments may be needed before or after tooth implant surgery in order to ensure that everything is done correctly and safely. These treatments can include things like X-rays, tooth extractions, bone grafts, or sinus lifts––all of which come at an extra cost. If possible, try to find out ahead of time if any additional dental treatment will be required so that you can budget accordingly. 


What are the benefits of tooth implants?


Support for natural teeth single tooth implant oakleigh

One major benefit of tooth implants is that they help support your natural teeth. When you have a gap in your mouth caused by a missing tooth, the surrounding teeth can move around and become misaligned. Dental implants help keep everything in place, providing stability for the rest of your teeth. This helps preserve the shape and structure of your jawbone as well as the overall integrity of your smile. 


Improved comfort and quality of life 

Another great benefit of dental implants is that they improve comfort and quality of life. With traditional dentures or bridges, you may experience issues with slippage or discomfort when eating certain foods or speaking certain words. However, with an implant-supported restoration in place, you won’t need to worry about those issues because it’s securely attached to the implant itself. Plus, since it looks just like a real tooth, you’ll feel more confident in both social and professional situations. 


Preserve jawbone structure  

Dental implants also help preserve jawbone structure by preventing bone loss due to missing teeth. When a tooth is lost without replacement, the jawbone beneath it starts to deteriorate over time due to a lack of stimulation from chewing forces on that area. But when an implant is placed into the jawbone where a missing tooth once was, it acts as an artificial root that helps stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss from occurring due to lack of stimulation from chewing forces.  


Long-lasting results 

Teeth implants are designed to last a lifetime, which means that you won’t have to worry about repeat visits or getting new replacements every few years. Additionally, since they don’t rely on surrounding teeth for support like bridges, so there is no need to ever replace them due to wear and tear. 


Who can receive dental implants?

Dental implant candidacy is based on several factors, including age, oral health, and lifestyle choices. For instance, young children are generally not good candidates for dental implants because their bones and gums aren’t fully formed yet.

dental treatment oakleighSimilarly, if you have existing oral health issues such as gum disease or decay—which can affect the implant’s ability to integrate properly—you may be ineligible for this procedure.

It’s vital to talk to your dentist before making any decisions so they can assess your overall oral health and determine if you’re a suitable candidate

Other lifestyle choices also influence whether someone is eligible for dental implants. People who use tobacco products or consume large amounts of alcohol may struggle with healing after the implant procedure due to the effects these substances have on overall bodily health.

Additionally, medical conditions like diabetes or osteoporosis impair the body’s natural healing processes, which could hinder the successful integration of the implant over time. It’s important to discuss any pre-existing conditions with your dentist before moving forward with this type of treatment plan.  

Lastly, it’s important for potential candidates to understand that it takes time for a dental implant procedure to be successful. The process generally takes 6-8 months from start to finish due to healing times and multiple appointments required during each phase of the treatment process. If you don’t have the patience or availability necessary in order to complete all steps involved in getting an implant, then you may need to consider other options instead. 


Are dental implants painful?

Most people report minimal pain or discomfort following their implant surgery due to effective anaesthesia and post-operative care provided by their dentist. While there may be some minor swelling or bruising in the area surrounding your new implants, these symptoms or signs should subside within a few days of your procedure as long as you follow your dentist’s instructions for recovery carefully. You should follow all of your dentist’s instructions regarding activity levels, diet changes, and other activities while recovering from your implant surgery in order to ensure that everything heals properly and safely without any complications.  


How to care for dental implants?


Practise good oral hygiene habits 

Good oral hygiene habits are essential when it comes to caring for your dental implants. This includes brushing twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and using mouthwash regularly. Brushing should be carried out with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. It is also important to remember that brushing too hard or with too much pressure can be damaging to the implant material, so brush gently and thoroughly instead of scrubbing vigorously. Flossing also helps remove food particles that may otherwise get stuck between the artificial teeth and cause cavities or decay. 


Avoid sticky foods 

It is important to avoid sticky foods such as candy, gum, and dried fruit as they can stick to the implant surfaces and cause bacteria buildup, which can lead to infection or decay. If these foods do get stuck on the implant surfaces, try using an interdental brush or an air flosser device designed specifically for cleaning around implants and braces. 


Enhance your smile with our quality and affordable dental implants at Oakleigh Smiles

At Oakleigh Smiles, we understand how important it is to have a strong and healthy smile. That’s why we offer the most affordable and high-quality dental implants at our practice. Our experienced dentists can provide customised treatment plans to meet your specific needs. With us, you can be sure that you’re getting the best care possible without breaking the bank. Plus, with our modern technology and comfortable environment, we strive to make every patient experience pleasant and stress-free. 

Call us at (03) 9007 2258 to book your appointment.



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.





What Are Dental Implants?

What to know about dental implants



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